GPS in France
Of course, this has really thrown the goat among the donkeys. Binny, who had for all this time ruled the roost (Ahhh, poor old Chalkie and Doris) was now been challenged by the really hard and smelly Gerald. I'm not sure that the poor old thing was even aware of the threat. She started to chew the horns that were seeminlg being offered as a kindly gesture by the new arrival. And that's when the manure hit the fence.
And this is Dipstick. The lead dog in the 1996 Walt Disney adaptation of 101 Dalmatians. She's staying at kennels run by a guy we know not far from us. I kid you not !!
The new parking area at the gable end of the house. The stone wall to the left, we're told, is typical of the region and is known as "rocher" or "to rock" ... You rock my wall, baby!