Friday, March 31, 2006

Thanks !

What a week! Just when you think you've seen it all a little person comes along and you realise you've actually seen nothing. It's amazing... at least for now!

Thank you all for you kind comments, cards and pressies. Little Poppy has been inundated with all kinds of lovely baby things. I don't suppose anyone wants to buy her a private education, do you ? One certain purchase in a few years from now will be a great big shotgun! Thanks also for the support and advice. We really feel sorry for the first parents in the world ever. How ever did they manage ?!

Sarah is recovering slowly but surely.... from food poisoning! I thought I couldn't go too far wrong buying in a load of frozen pizzas. 20 minutes gas mark 7 bish bosh. WRONG! Sarah suffered the cremated pizza because that's the kind of girl she is. She's still quite sore after the section and quality sleep is a thing of the past but she's in great spirits and has taken to being a Mum like a duck to water.

Poppy likes to sleep. She sleeps all day, waking only to be fed and watered before sleeping some more. Until it gets dark. Then she wants to play. We're sure she thinks she's a bat!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Poppy Finally Arrives !!

Poppy, our new baby daughter, was dragged kicking and screaming into the world on the 23rd of March at 4:15pm. She weighed in at just over 8lbs and was 51cm tall. Here are some photos to mark the occasion.


Proud as punch!

Although Poppy ws born by Caesarean section the doctors attemped to induce her for the two days before her birth. As the contractions started Sarah walked a lot to help Poppy along. We got some strange looks from people as she walked through the centre of town attached to a drip ... and a plastic bag of fluid on wheels!

Poppy was born here at Hopital St. Cyr in Villeneuve-sur-Lot in the Lot-et-Garonne, South West France.