We found Bambi here hiding in a ditch across from the house one day. Her mum had obviously told her to stay put until she could come back for after dark. Sure enough the following morning she was gone. Just as well really as the list of new arrivals at our place was getting longer by the day.

Some more new arrivals, Rose Mary and Minty. These three little beauties arrived in style in the back of the new car. They're 5 months old and will spend the rest of their lives mowing our back garden...

The girls arrive for their first day at work. I have to say a very big "Thanks! " to Bernard, the ever obliging brother-in-law, for scrubbing the sheep shit off the upholstery.

The 2006 spud harvest! If these get the blight we'll be getting the first ship out of here to New York.

The Vache Blonde d'Acquitaine is a rare breed cattle found only in the Lot-et-Garonne. Unfortunately, their numbers have been in steady decline recently because some idiot keeps ripping their testicles out.

Our new 15 year old ISEKI TX 1000 tractor! Made in Taiwan. It has loads of cylinders and gearboxes and stuff.

This Little Piggy is not quite the latest addition to the farm but she's, by far, the one who eats and sleeps the most. She's fattening up nicely though and now weighs a colossal 13 lbs and is 60 cm (23 1/2 inches - almost 2 ft.) long !!!