Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas
Well, we've finaly moved into the barn. Had a few teething problem with the heating but as I write it's a toasty 22 degrees, the little tearaway is in bed and Sarah's is wrapping all my Christmas pressies. The weather at the moment is a beautiful and sunny 15 degrees. As long as that continues until Christmas day I'll be happy. After that I won't care because I intend to be ballooned until the 7th of January.
This clip of Poppy was created by my neighbour, the famous BBC broadcaster Clive Jacobs. Many thanks Clive.
Here's a quick (unedited) slideshow of some recent pics of Poppy , the barn and the missus. Also, message for Jessamy. Thanks for the card. Do me a favour and send your email address to xxx
This clip of Poppy was created by my neighbour, the famous BBC broadcaster Clive Jacobs. Many thanks Clive.
Here's a quick (unedited) slideshow of some recent pics of Poppy , the barn and the missus. Also, message for Jessamy. Thanks for the card. Do me a favour and send your email address to xxx
Sunday, September 30, 2007
we're almost there

Legendary Uncle "Rock" , as Poppy likes to call him, steamed into plastering the upstairs bedrooms of the barn and tiling the kitchen... in a skirt! Our resident tiler , Scouse Mike, commended Rob on a very nice job. Thanks mate, you're a star!
Normally, as they say in France, the plumber arrives tomorrow morning. "Normally" means it never happens and tomorrow never comes so we'll be waiting a long time for the showers and sinks to go in. Progress is also likely to hampered by the fact that there's one bog missing. As soon as he's done I'm looking forward to sanding down the upstairs floors with my new toy sander and varnishing. Sarah's already planning on spending all my hard earned cash on her soft furnishings. This evening I cranked up the underfloor heating in preparation for our arrival and already it's toasty underfoot.

Friday, August 17, 2007
our summer holidays in london
Events of note during our stay were Sarah's 40th birthday party, a trip to a smokeless Lucky Rover and fairly decent weather.
We're posting again!! Yippee! Yawn!
Sick to death of the incessant bollocking from Sarah's girlfriends. You know who you are ......... Sue ....... Ali ...... Dave .....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
A sad day .... Giddy the goat dies.

Monday, January 22, 2007
A nation of chancers !

I thought about writing a long, slating report of our invariably horrible experiences travelling with the world's most ignorant airline but this little gem forwarded by the father-in-law sums it up perfectly!
A guy sitting at a bar at Heathrow Terminal 3 noticed a really beautiful woman sitting
Next to him. He thought to himself: "Wow, she's so gorgeous she must be an off duty flight attendant.
But which airline does she work for?"
Hoping to pick her up, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta slogan: "Love to fly and it shows?" She gave him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thought to himself: "Damn, she doesn't work for Delta."
A moment later, another slogan popped into his head. He leaned towards her again,
"Something special in the air?"
She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself, and scratched Singapore Airlines off the list.
Next he tried the Thai Airways slogan: "Smooth as Silk."
This time the woman turned on him, "What the F*** do you want?"
The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair, and said "Ahhhhh, Ryanair!!!
A guy sitting at a bar at Heathrow Terminal 3 noticed a really beautiful woman sitting
Next to him. He thought to himself: "Wow, she's so gorgeous she must be an off duty flight attendant.
But which airline does she work for?"
Hoping to pick her up, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta slogan: "Love to fly and it shows?" She gave him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thought to himself: "Damn, she doesn't work for Delta."
A moment later, another slogan popped into his head. He leaned towards her again,
"Something special in the air?"
She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself, and scratched Singapore Airlines off the list.
Next he tried the Thai Airways slogan: "Smooth as Silk."
This time the woman turned on him, "What the F*** do you want?"
The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair, and said "Ahhhhh, Ryanair!!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
santa is me nooo bess mate
krismess is great. i got tuns ov prezzzenz frum nana and mi grumpy gramps whoo has hooge bushy eyebrouze and from mi mummy an alll hur frenzss butt me dad sed that woz all stoopit cuz im owny ten munts an i dont haf a cloo whass goan on an mi mummy sed dat hees a humbug an aney way we all had a reely nice time an heers sum ov de fotos ov it .... happpy noo year!
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